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05 September 2025

Abstract Submission Deadline

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20 March 2025

Early Registration Deadline

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16 September 2025

Late Registration Deadline

About The Conference

Welcome to the International Conference on Digital Marketing and E-Commerce, where we will dive deep into the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape and unfold the future of e-commerce. This premier event is set to take place from September 26-28, 2025 in the vibrant city of London, UK. Designed for scholars, students, professors, marketing professionals and e-commerce industry leaders, this conference is a must-attend. Join us for a captivating experience filled with cutting-edge knowledge sharing, networking opportunities, and the exploration of emerging trends in e-commerce and digital marketing.

Digital Marketing and E-commerce conference covers a diverse range of topics, from strategic online advertising to the influence of data analytics on consumer behavior, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the fields. Whether you choose to attend in person or virtually, you’ll have the chance to engage with experts, participate in interactive presentations and panel discussions, and stay at the forefront of the latest developments. Additionally, we encourage professionals and researchers to submit their work for presentation, as this is an excellent opportunity to showcase innovative research findings and success stories to a global audience.

What you’ll Present at Conference

Presenters have the option to choose between different presentation formats including oral, poster, or virtual presentation. Whether you prefer to display your findings in a visually engaging poster, present your work in oral format, or deliver your presentation online, we have options to suit your preferences.

To submit your paper to the International Conference on Digital Marketing and E-commerce _ DMECONF_, visit the Submission page and click on the "Online Submission Form".


Meet Our Scientific committee

Business Conference

Dr. Ahmed Shaalan

Associate Professor of Marketing in the Department of Marketing at the University of Birmingham, UK
Dr. Sergio Carvalho

Dr. Sergio Carvalho

PhD, PROFESSOR OF MARKETING, F.C. MANNING CHAIR IN ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, Faculty of Management, Dalhousie University, Canada
management conference 2025

Prof. Dr. Nader Alber

Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

Dr. Tănase Tasențe

Ovidius University of Constanta, Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Romania

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